After witnessing his two closest cousins executed during a black market sale gone wrong, Jimmy, barely surviving the trap himself, dedicates his repeated chances at life to seeking vengeance. The Burden of Nine Lives is a 108 minute Action Drama that feels like the Equalizer crossed with John Wick. Starring Steven Staine-Fernandez, Ashley Rose Nicholas, Luis Berrio, Skyzoo, Rico Hundo, & Pete Maddocks, with current UFC fighter, Waldo Cortez-Acosta, and his coach, former UFC fighter, Javier Torres. 


After witnessing his two closest cousins executed during a black market sale gone wrong, Jimmy, barely surviving the trap himself, dedicates his repeated chances at life to seeking street vengeance.

Plot Synopsis

Jimmy and his two cousins Donnie and Curtis manage to rob Gabriel's, one of the most prominent drug lords in the city, secret stash and unknowingly attempt to sell it back to him. At the sales meeting Gabriel explodes in anger commanding his top goons Tony and Marcus to execute Jimmy and the gang. Jimmy miraculously survives and is rescued by medical response team his aunt Griselda calls after receiving a text from Jimmy.

Jimmy wakes up in the hospital, a few days later, with very little memory of what transpired and being cared for by Doctor Francis and Nurse Pauline. While in the hospital Jimmy is visited by Detectives Henderson and Nedved who’s questions trigger Jimmy’s memory. As his memory is returning Marcus arrives to try to kill Jimmy again but he is saved in the emergency room by Pauline and Doctor Francis. Pauline begins to grow romantically interested in Jimmy while taking care of him.

While recovering Jimmy escapes the hospital and begins his hunt for vengeance. Jimmy hunts down Marcus and Tony while being pursued by the Detectives. Jimmy’s activity leads to increased police patrol aggravating Russell, the second major drug player in the city. Russell captures Jimmy bug Jimmy manages to convince him Gabriel is starting a war against Russell. Russell believes Jimmy leading to a final three way showdown between Jimmy, Russell, and Gabriel.

Produced by Vega Montanez, Cruzie Cruz, Alysha M. Wright, Jonathan Weaver, & Emmy Award Winner, Cosmo Losco

Characters & Cast

  • Jimmy

    Quick witted and on a war path, Jimmy is set out for revenge after being left near death during the execution of his cousins. Dominican American with a strong smile and a hero sequel physique. Longing to feel like less than a burden to everyone around him Jimmy focuses his full attention and energy on fixing the mess he made.

    Played by Steven Staine-Fernandez.

  • Pauline

    During Jimmy’s time in the hospital, endearing Nurse Pauline not only takes cares of him but develops a friendship with him as well. Pauline’s caring nature and loving heart lead her to help Jimmy even after he leaves the hospital. Her soft appearance need not be tested as she is prepared to protect herself and others.

    Played by Ashley Rose Nicholas.

  • Maki

    The Tech guru who’s been down with the crew since they did a job a couple years back. Maki specializes in everything webspace making him the go to guy for finding people and things. Despite Maki’s playful demeanor, he’s always down to push a button and shut down any network he wants.

    Played by SkyZoo.

  • Gabriel

    Gabriel is a high energy smooth talker and one of two kingpins in the city. Gabriel has been known for having an explosive nature that quickly transitions him from smiling to throwing an aggressive outrage. With very little self control, Gabriel outrage over Jimmy surviving so many attempts on his life becomes his main focus, leading to him dealing with Russell’s top soldiers.

    Played by Rico Hundo.

  • Russell

    Russell is the top of the food chain when it comes to the underground activities of this city. He is always accompanied by his two main men and has a no nonsense demeanor. So menacing at a glance that his playful nature doesn't really put anyone at ease. Russell is all about his business and operates his underworld using similar tactics to the Italian Mafia, Russian Bratva, or Japanese Yakuza.

    Played by Luis Berrio.